Despite the major victory for liberty we struck last week, there is still much work to be done before we return to a government that is truly by the people and for the people.
A big part of taking America back to the values that made it great in the first place is making sure that the people are not at the mercy of bureaucrats and other agents of the state. That means that the only reason they should be able to violate your privacy is if they possess actionable evidence of terrorism or other criminal activity, which is why police are required to get warrants before searching Americans’ houses or records.
But thanks to advances in technology, law enforcement is able to circumvent the warrant system and learn all they want about citizens. The NSA’s domestic surveillance program is the most egregious example, but there are other, disturbing instances of this phenomenon.
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Of course, every drivers license and photo ID registers you.
If you don’t break the law you don’t have to worry
this reminds me of that show Person of Interest. wow
Just another way for the police to give you unnecessary tickets for revenue. They tried to do this awhile back and people kept challenging them in court over it and winning. That’s why it was taken down for awhile. Will they ever learn that this is unethical?
That kind of thinking is the problem there Doug. They impose on your right’s a little at a time and before you know it, you don’t have any rights.
This happens cause you let it happen. America.
So breaking the law is ok then ?
Of course we are the emeny of america they have turned the consitution on its head and reversed all rules to suit oboma and the left agenda
im not doing anything illegal im not worried. my cars tagged insured. if having my mug shot helps them distinguish between honest citizens and illegal aliens and immigrants other law breakers while i obey them, im happy to participte. besides im already in the system. i have a ss card and drivers license and military record. one more doesnt matter.