Representatives Ilhan Omar (D-MN) and Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) both Muslim members of Congress, had scathing remarks about their ban for entering Israel last week and cobbled together a hasty press conference where they excoriated both leaders of the United States and Israel.
“We cannot let Trump and Netanyahu succeed in hiding the cruel reality of the occupation from us,” said Omar. “The occupation is real. Barring members of Congress from seeing it does not make it go away. We must end it together.”
“The decision to ban me and my colleague, the first two Muslim American women elected to Congress, is nothing less than an attempt by an ally of the United States to suppress our ability to do our jobs as elected officials. Netanyahu’s decision to deny us entry might be unprecedented for members of Congress, but it is the policy of his government when it comes to Palestinians.”
The entirety of the press conference called into question the amount of US aid to the only democracy in the Middle East, drawing particular attention to the fact that they whole-heartedly believe that Israel has committed acts of human rights violations far exceeding those by radical Palestinian terrorists.
In one alarming moment, the two junior legislators proposed a cessation of US aid to Israel in the name of justice for the Jewish nation’s illegal “occupation,” stating that the United States should reconsider continuing this funding! Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) heard these words and issued a statement in response:
Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC)
Jewish Press:
Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) on Tuesday tweeted that, in response to Congresswomen Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan Omar’s call to reconsider US aid to Israel, he has reconsidered and come to the conclusion that “it’s time to provide MORE assistance to Israel for their missile defense program.”
Congresswomen @RashidaTlaib and @IlhanMN Omar are calling on Congress to reconsider aid to Israel?
I have.
It’s time to provide MORE assistance to Israel for their missile defense program.
— Lindsey Graham (@LindseyGrahamSC) August 20, 2019
If US aid was withdrawn, the already fragile stability in that region would quickly decline and almost certainly guarantee that American military engagement would be necessary to keep the peace. Senator Graham’s suggestion of increased aid is right on target.