Prominent NASA scientists declared in March of 2015 that California had only a year of water left and has no backup plan in place for 38 million residents who are sitting in the middle of land soon that will soon revert back to a desert.
But in the face of this grave situation, liberal, environmental policy insanity still triumphs as billions of gallons of water are being released from what little is left in the dams – and it’s not for the humans.
Hannity needs to get back on the band wagon for the farmers and residents of the San Juaquin Valley. Obama has destroyed a thriving area of food and cotton for this country because of a tiny “fish”!
Shut these criminal Democrats down! Drain the swamp!
Start fixing this by impeaching Jerry Brown.
Time to investigate. Pelosi and her criminal buddies. Drain the swamp. Trump. Start with California politicians!!!!
That’s California for you, they do the dumbest stuff. Bunch of idiots
Let the towns dry up and go back to the desert they came from. Why are California morons building in uninhabitable areas anyway! Stupid liberals at it again! So a state that needs water from other states just to survive would actuallythreaten to succeed from the union? Go ahead you liberal morons we will just block off the water you so need. When you all die we will take it back and run it with conservatives until it blossoms on its own!
Let’s have Israel share their technology for using ocean water for drinking and irrigation. Once they get water, maybe CA citizens will return to normal, or at least take their meds.
Jerry Brown is a big headed extreme left dumb bum.
What can Trump do about Jerry.
Loonie-tunes prevail….