Prominent NASA scientists declared in March of 2015 that California had only a year of water left and has no backup plan in place for 38 million residents who are sitting in the middle of land soon that will soon revert back to a desert.
But in the face of this grave situation, liberal, environmental policy insanity still triumphs as billions of gallons of water are being released from what little is left in the dams – and it’s not for the humans.
They want to succeed from the u s there on ther own
Jeff Kamel
I thought cali wanted out of the US?
If California wasn’t so full of actual deplorable liberal progressives, maybe God would bless them with rain.
There is no drought in California. That, also, is another attempt at justifying higher taxes and more nonsense regulations.
Why so they can turn bama into another California.
Damn. The way the liberals acted toward Trump and the election and talking about leaving the union and he still wants to help them ? Well I guess he really does want to make America great again. Even the looney tunes in the west coast.
The change they really need is to get rid of governor moonbeam.
Please do