Prominent NASA scientists declared in March of 2015 that California had only a year of water left and has no backup plan in place for 38 million residents who are sitting in the middle of land soon that will soon revert back to a desert.
But in the face of this grave situation, liberal, environmental policy insanity still triumphs as billions of gallons of water are being released from what little is left in the dams – and it’s not for the humans.
Absolutely correct….
I love that moment. When you’re on a long car ride, or listening to music, or reading. And you completely zone out. You forget your troubles, and everyone around you. You’re focused on that one thing, and that one thing only. You’re content, and everything seems peaceful.
Man caused drought, and it’s not about pollution! This is what should be labeled as home town terrorism!
I don’t know why he would. California has become a joke and the residents are garbage. I know cause I live here.
The state needs to be declared a disaster and drained of the people who have ruined it!
Haven’t they seceded yet?
Compliments from Diana Frankinstein, and Bobble Head Boxer. Yes it is true, if u were to take and dig a ditch. 60 feet wide and a 100 feet deep. Run it from the southern part of California to the Northern end of California. That’s how much water is being dumped into the Ocean Daily to save a 3 inch fish which Exist All through the United States. That’s California’s Demon-crats for Ya.
Get rid of the Liberals and all the Crooks and domb$#%&!@*Polititions that run the State ! The first to go is that domb$#%&!@*Brown and then Polosi !
Why should we even give a$#%&!@*what California does? They are going to withdraw from the United States anyway, aren’t they? Lol, you think water is a problem now? Wait until the United States shuts off the water flowing down the Colorado river.
I live in Kalifornia also and somewhat ashamed of that fact. Some cities have drained and left dry fountains in parks and squares and others have cost us the ability to buy water from Az and Nv because they wont fix leaky fountains and let water run down their storm drain systems.