Prominent NASA scientists declared in March of 2015 that California had only a year of water left and has no backup plan in place for 38 million residents who are sitting in the middle of land soon that will soon revert back to a desert.
But in the face of this grave situation, liberal, environmental policy insanity still triumphs as billions of gallons of water are being released from what little is left in the dams – and it’s not for the humans.
They are too stupid to figure out they can make fresh water from sea water. This was done by ships during the Japanese sunami and should have been done already, but no the have to punish their farmers and citizens like normal stupid libturds do so they can make a buck off it
Sure glad I don’t live there
This pisses me off. I live in California!
This article is off the chart wrong, the delta smelt is the canary in the coal mine, and it is not predation that is killing them off, and if the colder water flows are not there the salmon will not be able to spawn, it’s about saving another river from what the San Joaquin legacy shows when Guv takes and promises to restore, then they never restore. thanks Feinstein, after the peripheral canal promise to restore I no longer trust any of them, it’s n.calif water and to remove any more of it will turn the S.F.Delta into a miquito infested swamp….
Love the sign!
Give California to Mexico for free.
Does this not show Liberals only want to push their Failed policies and care nothing about anything else. Liberals are incapable of solving problems like this. Liberals are Politicians used to getting Paychecks from Taxpayers and NOT money they earned from WORKING for it.
What a mess, this is rediculous!!
Erm….talk to those who voted the socialists into state office, politicians making laws without citizens voting on 95% of the c**p coming out of the capital… People like myself continue to fight, yell, but no one on the left hears
Its called politicians and epa