Prominent NASA scientists declared in March of 2015 that California had only a year of water left and has no backup plan in place for 38 million residents who are sitting in the middle of land soon that will soon revert back to a desert.
But in the face of this grave situation, liberal, environmental policy insanity still triumphs as billions of gallons of water are being released from what little is left in the dams – and it’s not for the humans.
What is rong with these idiots
Californians!!! You are the only ones that can save your hemeredging state from the plight that is liberalism!!! If you don’t act soon, it is up to you the voters!!!!!
Stupid is as stupid does!, actions speak for themselves louder sometimes then words do!
They’re governed by Democrats. That is what’s wrong.
Maybe they want to run out of water faster so you all can die..
when you vote for liberal idiots this is the result so live with it, for the sane Californians either leave or get everyone you know to vote the liberals out. Get those illegals out do not rent to them do not sell food to them and by all sanity do not employ them
Crazy Liberals. Pelosi. Boxer Gov. Brown etc etc etc they all have warm cozy lives & could less about the farmers untill their plate is empty..
Give all the illegal shovels and have them to start digging
Think of this in another way. People move to California and they never want to leave. Perfect temperature, beautiful landscapes, mountains, ocean, it’s almost paradise. Except for all the People! Millions of them. What would make them leave? Think…
De fund THE EPA