In the aftermath of the Dallas, Texas sniper ambush that saw 12 police shot, 5 of whom died, United States Attorney General, Loretta Lynch released a statement. Predictably, she managed to begin the spin of this tragedy to fit the socialist narrative of the Obama Administration.
One of the suspected shooters who died in the incident has been identified by police as Micah Xavier Johnson. He showed an affinity on social media for black separatist groups including The New Black Panther Party and the African American Defense League. The League posted on Facebook after the massacre: “ATTACK EVERYTHING IN BLUE EXCEPT THE MAIL MAN, UNLESS HE IS CARRYING MORE THAN MAIL.”
Black Lives Matter protesters reportedly celebrated and taunted officers after the attack.
But AG Lynch was unwilling to pass up a chance to push her Administration’s agenda. Embeded in her call for public order, Loretta Lynch had to capitalize on the tragic deaths and injuries of police officers and civilians. Check out the videos starting on the Next Page, including some shocking moments from the event and Lynch’s tainted statement. WARNING: some of the video footage is graphic.
There is no reason for the justice department to ‘weigh in”. This was a person that went off the edge of reality and had the intent to kill. It makes no sense to blame a weapon or the lack of another gun law for this act of evil. If he had gone Oklahoma bomber style or drove an automobile through a crowd it would not have changed the evil intent.
poor babies….what are you going to do for entertainment 7 months from now? Oh yeah, Hillary!
Just for fun, timmy…..what crime has she committed? Facts only, please.
I love all these treasonous conservative that are always playing the race card to accuse the Obama administration of racism.
I know! Usually it’s a registered Republican using an assault riffle to slaughter children.
Gun control is coming and you ammosexuals are no longer invited to the conversation. You built that!
Gun control will never happen without a revolution. If that’s what you liberal anti-constitution idiots want then I promise you will be sorry!!!!!!
It went from multiple shooters to one. They went from looking for multiple shooters to one. How can you find body parts scattered throughout the battlefield but you can’t find any from someone in a contained area? I guess we really had none. #PayAttention
? In fantasy land maybe.
Welcome To The Obama/Clinton Standard, Hate America and All Her Stands For.
Hate Whites, The American Flag, the Military, the Rich, and Most importantly …
“Christians” because they Stand in the Way of Abortion and Gay Marriage. Good Idea, Dump Hilary The Fat Liar!!