Big Hollywood is at it again, attacking Donald Trump with reckless abandon and zero for deference for truth. Donald Trump is controversial, sure, but to suggest that he in any way resembles a crazed killer is a ludicrous assertion that could only come from the detached minds of Hollywood’s elite.
And lo and behold, it has. That very claim came from known-leftist director Spike Lee, right before he interviewed fellow socialist Bernie Sanders.
It seems as if tying Republican candidates to serial killers is the new favorite activity among America’s fact-free left. First, Ted Cruz is the Zodiac Killer, and now Trump is facing similar accusations — from the big and powerful, no less.
Somehow, saying the leading Republican candidate has serial killer-like tendencies is not even news-worthy any more, but claiming Hillary Clinton’s dog-whistle voice is shrill and unpleasant is still unacceptably sexist. Go figure.
To see who Spike Lee compared Donald Trump to, continue reading on the next page:
He look like sin
These are people that have sold their sole and are just puppets that do what they are told to live their rich ways that they are addicted to. So what they say don’t mean$#%&!@*because they have no in put on the country . they are here to entertain you that is all
Trump 2016
Another idiot that likes the Muslim takeover, evil will be punished by the Lord…people can’t see what’s coming and they stand for evil JUST like the bible says they will, calling good evil and evil good, wow…still hard to believe you can be that holy spirit inside of you does this…
Right! How many Million$$ did you make on your movie, Summer of Sam. What better market tool than to tie your movie to Trump for more publicity? You sick Bastard.
ALL TRUE!!! Trump can’t be bought, as he’s using his own money, and doesn’t have to bend over for those who buy our current politicians with their money. It’s all about the money and power. Don’t be under the illusion that those in government care about the American People. They just want your money in their pockets.
I think you’re an offspring of Obama both you are working for Lucifer
I think Bill Bennett is correct – we should pray for his safety whether we agree with him or not. Remember the kill book of Hill and Bill.
Aren’t you the guy who delivers pizza in my neighborhood? It was cold last week, no tip this time.