Big Hollywood is at it again, attacking Donald Trump with reckless abandon and zero for deference for truth. Donald Trump is controversial, sure, but to suggest that he in any way resembles a crazed killer is a ludicrous assertion that could only come from the detached minds of Hollywood’s elite.
And lo and behold, it has. That very claim came from known-leftist director Spike Lee, right before he interviewed fellow socialist Bernie Sanders.
It seems as if tying Republican candidates to serial killers is the new favorite activity among America’s fact-free left. First, Ted Cruz is the Zodiac Killer, and now Trump is facing similar accusations — from the big and powerful, no less.
Somehow, saying the leading Republican candidate has serial killer-like tendencies is not even news-worthy any more, but claiming Hillary Clinton’s dog-whistle voice is shrill and unpleasant is still unacceptably sexist. Go figure.
To see who Spike Lee compared Donald Trump to, continue reading on the next page:
Hollywood continues to believe their own press releases which is usually tainted.
Actually being honest you do know what you look like?
And u most resemble Sadam Hussein
It helps prop up the films he makes which are mostly junk. just like “Global Warming”
Voting for Trump..
Keep it up. I’m no Trump fan but the likes of you are handing November over to the Dem’s
As if Lee had enough brains to even think a sane thought. He is as nuts as they come.
Facts about Cruz…”Cruz has flipped to Trump’s side on every important political issue of this campaign — which only ARE issues because of Trump. These are:
— Quadrupling the number of foreign guest workers to help ranchers and farmers get cheap labor: Cruz was for it, and now is against it.
— Legalizing illegal aliens: Cruz was for it, and now is against it.
— The Trans-Pacific Partnership deal: Cruz was for it, and now is against it.
— Building a wall: Cruz was against it, and now is for it.
These are all positions Cruz has changed since being a senator — most of them he’s flipped on only in the last year. I’m supposed to believe that U.S. senators can sincerely change their minds about policies it was their job to know about, but a New York developer can never change his mind about pop-offs he made more than a decade ago.
Back in 1999 — 17 years ago — when Donald Trump was considering a presidential run on the Reform Party ticket, he said this when asked about abortion by Tim Russert on “Meet the Press”: “Well, look, I’m very pro-choice. I hate the concept of abortion. I hate it. I hate everything it stands for. I cringe when I listen to people debating the subject. But you still — I just believe in choice.”
Russert then asked him specifically if he’d ban partial-birth abortion. Trump said, “No. I am pro-choice in every respect and as far as it goes, but I just hate it.”
A year later, Trump wrote in his book “The America We Deserve”: “When Tim Russert asked me on ‘Meet the Press’ if I would ban partial-birth abortion, my pro-choice instincts led me to say no. After the show, I consulted two doctors I respect and, upon learning more about this procedure, I have concluded that I would indeed support a ban.”
Sometime in the intervening 16 years, Trump became fully pro-life. “
who is this$#%&!@*wipe