In an interview on NBC, filmaker Spike Lee claimed that Americans don’t care about the massive amounts of gun violence because its “not Sandy Hook.”
While Spike Lee attempts to spin Americans’ lack of interest in Chicago by insinuating that no one cares because those who are dying aren’t innocent, young, white, schoolchildren, he’s totally ignoring those who are ignoring the violence in Chicago.
While most of America is pointing toward Chicago as proof that gun-free zones don’t work, those who are outright ignoring the city is none other than Black Lives Matter.
The reason for this is obvious. When it comes to Black Lives Matter, black lives only matter when they are killed by white Americans. Because such a huge percentage of Chicago’s murders are black on black crime, Black Lives Matter doesn’t seem to care.
Check out Spike Lee’s interview itself on the next page:
more and more we are not going to care if all the blacks keep calling us names and yelling in the streets and restaurants and blocking traffic and killing our police officers.
Chicago has the strictest gun control laws in the country. Maybe they should try the opposite
Hey SPIKE=97% of Blacks Killed are By Blacks + 90% of ABORTED Fetus’ are Black! WHEN are Blacks going to STOP MURDERING Blacks???? STOP “Blaming” US For this, & calling US “Racist”!!! Right Back @ YOU, SPIKE!!
No, we are tired of being blamed for their lack of parenting and or parents.
If the people in Chicago don’t care why should the rest of us?
Obummers old back yard. It’s the gang problem in Chicago. L.A. Cali has a gang problem also. Perhaps if the gang problem was dealt with the gun crime would recede???
Wasn’t Obama a state senator in Illinois! You would think he would have taken care of it then!
Negro Please! Allways blame whitey for the failure of your heritage.
Most gun control in America. Murder capitol. Liberals are complete fcktard. Uhm we need more gun control.
Hey if you care so much more than ” white people” why aren’t you in Chicago doing something about it ??? Ohhhh that’s right your just all mouth ….