U.S. Special Ops soldiers successfully infiltrated and occupied Barstow, California last Wednesday using rental and hay trucks – claiming ‘mission accomplished’ as ‘nobody suspected a thing’, according to a report by the Desert Dispatch’s Mike Lamb.
Although the article doesn’t specifically state it, this was very likely part of the Jade Helm 15 operation, which it supposed to involve soldiers operating “undetected amongst civilian populations.”
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Hey truth crew, make your articles with a bigger font style!
I hate having to get my
magnifying gl$#%&!@* out to
read your feed!
Good job guys, anyone can hide in the hay and infiltrate any city….
So now the word does know… how to infiltrate the country. ..
People that look like every one else dress the same not going thought check points not clear enemy line that is not an accomplishment that is stilling an at a boy. Clap for at a boy.
sounds like jade helm bs
But no one asked ! What else was in those hay bundles ?
no but those who not alsleep see what going on just need more people to WAKE UP!!!!!!!!!
Trojan horse transport. Oldest trick in the book.