U.S. Special Ops soldiers successfully infiltrated and occupied Barstow, California last Wednesday using rental and hay trucks – claiming ‘mission accomplished’ as ‘nobody suspected a thing’, according to a report by the Desert Dispatch’s Mike Lamb.
Although the article doesn’t specifically state it, this was very likely part of the Jade Helm 15 operation, which it supposed to involve soldiers operating “undetected amongst civilian populations.”
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But our military dosn’t think that way.
Arcams razer
So, conspiracy loons…tell me this. If nothing happens, no Fema camps, no m$#%&!@* detentions or whatever else you guys think doesn’t happen, are you going to step back and think “maybe I should stop getting my news from conspiracy sites and Facebook” or are you going to be like my dog, who is sure his barking saves me from the mailman every day? Conspiracy theorists have a feeling of superiority. They’re the only ones who can put all the pieces together. They’re the only ones who can SEE. Not like us sheep or something. Spend less time on the internet guys, there’s a whole world out there to enjoy.
Maybe it doesn’t make sense because you’re quite literally pulling at straws?
Think a reserve unit is there preparing to go to Africa
@[1600825769:2048:Mike Neal], tell your mom!
Please, take your meds
American troops going unnoticed in America…nothing unusual here…what was the point?
Wasted tax dollars
There’s a Marine Corps Logistics Base in Barstow. They could have driven through town in Humvees and no one would have noticed.
Calm down.