U.S. Special Ops soldiers successfully infiltrated and occupied Barstow, California last Wednesday using rental and hay trucks – claiming ‘mission accomplished’ as ‘nobody suspected a thing’, according to a report by the Desert Dispatch’s Mike Lamb.
Although the article doesn’t specifically state it, this was very likely part of the Jade Helm 15 operation, which it supposed to involve soldiers operating “undetected amongst civilian populations.”
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throw a match in those trucks……they might get by with that in California, but try it here,,,they might get in, but they probably wont get out.
The tin foil is strong
Infiltrate Compton, CA…then I’ll be impressed.
Did you report it to the FBI?
FEMA camps….black helicopters…eehhahhhh!!!
that’s where I found out
Nope jade helm is a practice run lol
Funny i could ride around with an machinegun in the seat just throw a towel over it and no one will suspect anything.
Jade helm 15
Neither is the Taliban, but they’re still there.