Lt. Gen. W.G. Boykin is warning us all of an engineered economic collapse and martial law followed by a Marxist dictatorship.
In detail he cites the Marxist six part plan, which has been used over and over in other countries that fall to totalitarianism….and how this plan is currently in play in the United States.
We are almost there folks…
The tree of Liberty requires nourishment.
help us GOD ,please
The HELL WITH THE MARXISTS NO hilary clinton what so ever.
Milton, I do not believe there will ever be another election. obama already has this set up. Just waiting for the time to use it. Hillary is wasting her time. No worries there. I wish we could call our Military home. That is why he has them sent out all over the place. He is hoping they will get eboli and die. He has fired 1,000’s of them. God help us.
That is exactly what OBAMA and this administration has been doing for the last six years. And OBAMA lies about everything he is questioned on.
what I’ve been saying all along and Obama is doing this right now
Obama’s entire presidency has been a model of Marxist engineering. Right out of the book.
Is been part of the progressive agenda for decades. Some of us have been screaming about it for decades; are some finally waking up?