You could be forgiven for having a difficult time following all the players in the continuing saga that has engulfed Congressional committees, the president, the FBI, the NSA, Russia, the Clintons, former FBI Director Comey, WikiLeaks, the media, and who know how many others. The old baseball adage fits: “You can’t tell the players without a scorecard.”
Continuing the baseball metaphor, part of the problem is that it’s not entirely clear who is on whose team. Or for that matter, it’s not clear how many teams there are.
When one sits down to write a piece about this turmoil, one question that comes to mind is how much do potential readers already know, and how much time should be spent rehearsing information in an attempt to help clarify things rather than to obfuscate — something our politicians do well enough anyway.
So when we begin a piece with the assertion that Special Counsel Mueller might be accused of doing the very thing former FBI Director Comey accused President Trump of doing, do your eyes just glaze over, or is this all crystal clear to you?
We’ll try to straighten this out and clarify things for you, as well as hopefully explaining why this is important on page two.
Please stop blowing s**t up.
I share your concern Frank.
I think Sandra may have a (Kool Aid) drinking problem.
Him and his cronies are nothing more than a smoke screen keeping Americans from finding out the truth- The corruption of the Obama administration will unfold and Democrats will go to jail !
Of course he did…he thinks he is more equal just ask him
Sentence #2. That seems to be a liberals trait. The part about violence and American carnage, that’s on the Liberals. The health care thing should never be a government program and Obama is the great divider. As a president he did nothing. The one fact I would really like to know is who was wearing Obama like a hand puppet?
He is a POS !! He also was sent by Hillary to have a airplane tarmac meeting with Russia !!!
Trump will never get a fair shake from this$#%&!@*
Violence is a wide ranging phenomenon. Liberals do not own it. McVeigh was no liberal.
If you believe healthcare should not be a government program, don’t file for Medicare.
McConnell and the Republicans from Day One obstructing with the goal of making Obama a one term President and Trump with the unified Republican Party behind him denying Obama’s citizenship and forcing an American President, the first African American President, to show his papers, was divisive and RACIST.
Obama was very successful and is already regarded by historians and Presidential scholars as one of our best Presidents.
Unlike President Trump, who works day and night serving the agenda of the Trump Organization and Donald Trump, President Obama worked only for America and all of its citizens.
Unlike killary. This guy is not dead
And Mueller delivering the sample himself!