You could be forgiven for having a difficult time following all the players in the continuing saga that has engulfed Congressional committees, the president, the FBI, the NSA, Russia, the Clintons, former FBI Director Comey, WikiLeaks, the media, and who know how many others. The old baseball adage fits: “You can’t tell the players without a scorecard.”
Continuing the baseball metaphor, part of the problem is that it’s not entirely clear who is on whose team. Or for that matter, it’s not clear how many teams there are.
When one sits down to write a piece about this turmoil, one question that comes to mind is how much do potential readers already know, and how much time should be spent rehearsing information in an attempt to help clarify things rather than to obfuscate — something our politicians do well enough anyway.
So when we begin a piece with the assertion that Special Counsel Mueller might be accused of doing the very thing former FBI Director Comey accused President Trump of doing, do your eyes just glaze over, or is this all crystal clear to you?
We’ll try to straighten this out and clarify things for you, as well as hopefully explaining why this is important on page two.
The collusion lie has finally hit home to the Washington Post, shitcan this guy already. He’s a waste of money.. our money.
If the Republicans had fully rolled out their national voter suppression program, the popular vote would have been much closer.
They will have it in place next time.
It’s okay if it’s done by a democrat
Christopher Shocklee I posted nothing dishonest. It’s fact of knowledge of histroy. Your posts are merely your negative speculative opinion with no merit – just guessing games.
He has to go.
Unlike many who post on these threads, I don’t lightly toss out words like “dishonest” relating to a commenter’s post.
I didn’t in your case.
I believe the following statements included in your posts were either knowingly dishonest or reckless in their disregard for the truth:
1. You mention “endless investigations” by the partisan republican congress which produced no indictments or prosecutions, as evidence of corruption.
2. You speak of “fighting ISIS” as if it only began under Trump when ISIS was clearly in retreat when Trump took office.
3. You mention border security but omit mentioning that under Obama, net traffic northward across the southern border became a net negative and over 3,000,000 people were deported.
4. You blame the “radical left” for basically all of societies ills, including missinformation. Did you hear about Comet Ping Pong Pizza, a right wing fairytale? Look it up.
Years of Republican unfunded tax cuts and wars per your analysis contributed nothing to our deficits.
5. HRC had no plan to confiscate guns.
6. You dramatically overstate Trump Organization employment, fail to mention the myriad lawsuits brought against Trump for fraud.
7. HRC plan was not for open borders but a continuation of Obama Adminstration policies that had substantially addressed the problem of illegal immigration.
8. Are you aware that the first 11 million dollars of estate value for a married couple is estate tax free?
Are you aware that if Trump is truly worth 10B as he so loudly proclaims, his repeal of the estate tax will save his family 5B dollars?
Do you want the country to be owned by a few families when your grandkids come of age?
9. HRC’s agenda did not include the mutilation of full term babies nor the establishment of tyrannical government.
10. Trump’s job creation is pretty much maintaining the same trend as the last 8 years under Obama.
11. Trump’s cabinet of moguls and his White House full of experts can’t seem to get meaningful legislation passed on healthcare, infrastructure, taxes, … Nor can they keep the President out of legal trouble. Looks like a room full of yes men to me.
Yes Sandra, I think your posts were less than fact based.
The market improved as soon as trump came in…obama crippled economy…more on foodstamps…blacks increased in poverty….bigger welfare state…trump owns the economy …he got rid of 30 restriction that obama put in …thanks trump
The market continues its long established trend under Obama, pricing in future tax cuts and easing of regulations.
Obama brought the economy and financial system from the ICU and set it on its upward trajectory. Don’t make a mess of it T.
Why Republicans think foodstamps are the greatest societal ill, I will never understand. Starvation should not be an American thing.
Still Obama’s economy. No Trump policies have been enacted and therefor the economy is churning along based on Obama policies.. The prospect of paralysis in Washington as we enter Russiagate hearings and impeachment is positive, T gave us that I suppose.
The removal of regulations for food safety and environmental protections are hard to get behind.
They won’t tarnish him there gona try though
Christopher Shocklee …BS on Comey and Russia. Almost a year and ZERO prove Russia helped Trump win.
More info coming to light that Democrats are the ones who had more contact with Russia than Trump.