You could be forgiven for having a difficult time following all the players in the continuing saga that has engulfed Congressional committees, the president, the FBI, the NSA, Russia, the Clintons, former FBI Director Comey, WikiLeaks, the media, and who know how many others. The old baseball adage fits: “You can’t tell the players without a scorecard.”
Continuing the baseball metaphor, part of the problem is that it’s not entirely clear who is on whose team. Or for that matter, it’s not clear how many teams there are.
When one sits down to write a piece about this turmoil, one question that comes to mind is how much do potential readers already know, and how much time should be spent rehearsing information in an attempt to help clarify things rather than to obfuscate — something our politicians do well enough anyway.
So when we begin a piece with the assertion that Special Counsel Mueller might be accused of doing the very thing former FBI Director Comey accused President Trump of doing, do your eyes just glaze over, or is this all crystal clear to you?
We’ll try to straighten this out and clarify things for you, as well as hopefully explaining why this is important on page two.
Well maybe he would have made those decisions, which I don’t agree with you are bad. He’s an extremely intelligent man trust and believe, whatever decision he’s made there’s a definite reason for it. And also, you have to remember, Obama has weakened this country so bad and set us up by giving money and weapons to our enemies. Not to mention, all of the really stupid decisions that Obama has made, like transgender bathrooms. Also, step federal funds to go to schools that don’t allow boys in the girls bathrooms and vice versa. Then, appointing a Muslim to be in charge of protecting our borders. I question your mindset if you find nothing wrong with any of that
BTW Christopher Shocklee, ACA South imploded a while back. Trump does not own any of that that is your boy Obama. One of the main issues with that, was it was set up to be a tax not Healthcare. Not to mention the last day he was in office he wrote it in for it to double in price. Sound familiar, like Clinton writing in NAFTA the last day in office?? It amazes me how people blame Trump after 6 months. Meanwhile they close their eyes to Obama constantly screwing America for eight years. And he’s still in the way
And the Trump Maelstrom of High Crimes, Espionage, Racketeering, Conflicts of Interest, Money Laundering and Influence Peddling helps this situation.. how.. exactly?
No Christopher you just read Hillary’s resume!
Mueller and Comet are friends, fishing buddies. Who could possibly think Mueller would even approach an honest investigation?
The Republicans deployed a sustained program of sabotage against Obamacare from Day One.
The rejection of Cost Reduction Subsidies by several Republican Governors, while harming their own citizens, advanced their Party’s agenda. The full history of Republican mischief concerning the ACA requires a much longer discussion, but the Republicans are more the architects of the ACA problems than the Democrats.
And the Buck Stops with the President despite Trump’s cowardly efforts to pass it to more worthy public servants.
No, that is the menu of swamp activity that Mueller and his pack of killers are investigating.
Obamacare was a billion dollar disaster. And Obama owns it. I don’t know where you were at, but he was president at that time. And you don’t even admit to half of the disasters Obama did. But you were telling stories about you supposed Trump has done. Go away with your hate and lies please. You have to be a true liberal
God bless president Trump and his family. Give him strength to withstand the hate from all the people on the left
Obamacare is substantially more than a billion dollar program.
Obama has no ability to do anything with Obamacare, only the President does.
If it needs to be repealed, do it. If it needs to be replaced, do it. If it needs to be fixed, do it. The President told us he could lead, solve problems, negotiate, win.
So do it.
Let’s see that better, cheaper healthcare insurance that will cover everyone, that Trump promised and that bought him a Presidency.
This is Trump’s deal now. Obama ain’t the Prez no mo.
If the people suffer, the President suffers and his Party suffers.