You could be forgiven for having a difficult time following all the players in the continuing saga that has engulfed Congressional committees, the president, the FBI, the NSA, Russia, the Clintons, former FBI Director Comey, WikiLeaks, the media, and who know how many others. The old baseball adage fits: “You can’t tell the players without a scorecard.”
Continuing the baseball metaphor, part of the problem is that it’s not entirely clear who is on whose team. Or for that matter, it’s not clear how many teams there are.
When one sits down to write a piece about this turmoil, one question that comes to mind is how much do potential readers already know, and how much time should be spent rehearsing information in an attempt to help clarify things rather than to obfuscate — something our politicians do well enough anyway.
So when we begin a piece with the assertion that Special Counsel Mueller might be accused of doing the very thing former FBI Director Comey accused President Trump of doing, do your eyes just glaze over, or is this all crystal clear to you?
We’ll try to straighten this out and clarify things for you, as well as hopefully explaining why this is important on page two.
a true useless$#%&!@*on a b******t mission.
Kim Lebel, what about this is, is trolling?
Conflicts are everywhere… Eric who. Our guy has the Top Job and he not going anywhere.
To paraphrase, “where do I go to get my Uranium back”?
Kim Lebel anyone who likes Mueller is a troll right! Mueller is a good man and Republican Senators agree.
Typical politics
Your list of talking points and straw man arguments and your dishonest statements do not change the reality that the President is heading for impeachment.
The gravity of his clear cooperation with Russia in his making use of material acquired through its illegal hacking activities is now being manifested in worsening relations and an escalating diplomatic and economic war.
Trump’s obvious quid pro quo relationship with Russia inevitably led to increased sanctions, which have in turn brought escalating sanctions against the US. What now happens with North Korea? Will Russia back Un with his nuclear umbrella?
Had Trump done the right thing and not started this dance with Putin, much of these problems and dangers could have been avoided.
The truth being told you cannot have an investigation with investigators tied to the corrupt Hillary Clinton criminal empire….a special council should investigate the special council!
This is just another criminal attempt at obstruction the criminal democratic party is known for!
Its been nothing but career criminal in the corrupt establishment hell bent on obstruction!
If you turn off the liberal media propaganda and learn what’s really going on you would see the amount of obstruction by the criminal establishment!
Criminals helping criminals is all they have done for decades!