You could be forgiven for having a difficult time following all the players in the continuing saga that has engulfed Congressional committees, the president, the FBI, the NSA, Russia, the Clintons, former FBI Director Comey, WikiLeaks, the media, and who know how many others. The old baseball adage fits: “You can’t tell the players without a scorecard.”
Continuing the baseball metaphor, part of the problem is that it’s not entirely clear who is on whose team. Or for that matter, it’s not clear how many teams there are.
When one sits down to write a piece about this turmoil, one question that comes to mind is how much do potential readers already know, and how much time should be spent rehearsing information in an attempt to help clarify things rather than to obfuscate — something our politicians do well enough anyway.
So when we begin a piece with the assertion that Special Counsel Mueller might be accused of doing the very thing former FBI Director Comey accused President Trump of doing, do your eyes just glaze over, or is this all crystal clear to you?
We’ll try to straighten this out and clarify things for you, as well as hopefully explaining why this is important on page two.
Satans bro…wake up nwo
Mueller and Comey have colluded.
This is simply a tax payer founded opposition research project. If Trump decides to run in 2020 everything will be leaked: taxes, business dealings, iniemdo
If you say he’s respected often enough someone might believe it.
As Shakespeare wrote, ” Me thinks Shocklee doth protest too loudly.” Chill out there cowboy. We all had to put up with Barack (Neville Chamberlain) Obama until he was done. Your turn to “enjoy” Trump.
Christopher Shocklee Time here Chris.What choice did we have?You can’t put this on us.We as a people will get through this just like always.I’ve never cared for Trump personally.I voted for him and probably will again for the same reasons.Some of what you say just isn’t true.Good luck to you.Tell us who your pick for president would be.We need a laugh.
It is always nice to converse with a person of letters.
The loyal opposition is a check in our system which forces the majority to be at its best in the service of the country.
The Obama “obstructors” over the last eight years served to moderate progress.
Today’s loyal opposition seeks to provide similar moderation and seeks assurance that foreign influences will not guide our policy.
I find this piece of our history to be fascinating and I must say I am enjoying the Trump Presidency.
Don Hart-
What have I said that is not true in your estimation?
The challenge in 2016 for many was to pick the lesser of two evils.
A strong argument can be made that a candidate under Special Counsel Investigation for possible espionage against the US is not likely the lesser evil.
To answer your question I think John Kasich deserves a second look. On the Democratic side, I like Tim Ryan from Ohio.
The Democrats are clearly introducing Al Franken as a possible candidate. A comedy writer versus a reality show host. I don’t think he is interested. They are grooming Kamala Harris from California for a future run. Just ask the folks testifying before the Senate Judiciary Committee how tough she is. Tammy Duckworth also is getting a lot of mentions. There are others.
If he runs for re-election Trump will certainly have primary challengers.
So… You want the colored boy back? P**s up a rope fucktard