Barack Obama believes he is a law unto himself. The American people and Congress have clearly indicated that the criminal Islamic terrorists do not deserve to be tried in U.S. courts where slick attorneys will do everything they can to present these animals as “freedom fighters” instead of barbaric murderers. Obama has decided that it is not enough to keep them locked up, his latest objectives is to close the Guantanamo Bay (Gitmo) detention center in Cuba where dangerous and violent Islamic radicals are being held and bring them to the U.S. mainland.
He has been a critic from the start, claiming the conditions are barbaric and inhumane, in spite of reports of air conditioned cells, work out time, TV and VCR access, specially prepared Halal food, and access to a multitude of reading material. Obama seems to tilt toward Muslims in every case, even when those Muslims are murderous jihadis who have killed Americans and committed atrocities. For some reason, he seems to have a real warm place in his heart for them, and he would like to see them released from their prison, and in many cases, brought to the United States for a trial that should only be afforded to a citizen of this country rather than a thug murderer from the Middle East.
Obama plans to shut down Gitmo in spite of law, page 2:
Then do it before he messes with our freedom and country more
Paul Ryan is working under the table with Obama together .
Bey the way . Obama brought a
Lot of heat during these 8 years . Between White and black and Christians and Muslims .
When you camper Now and 10 years before is 95% different .
I hope God punishing him .
He put Poison in our greatest Country .
You should be making plans to ARREST HIM!!!!
And it only took you 8 years? WTH?
I’m sure he is part of a hidden Agenda!!! He can’t be trusted!!!
Yada, Yada, Yada. Ryan is part of a system that, hopefully, is on the way out!! TRUMP-TRUMP-TRUMP!!!!!
This man is as sneaky & dangerous as Hillary and Obama.
Can you believe him? We have not been able to yet!
Sooooo NOW with 5 days till the election you are going to do something ???????—-You bunch of spineless scum !!!!!!—You have stood back and shook in your boots and let him destroy us—you let him get by because he is black—you were afraid that you wouldn’t get the votes to return to your cushy Washington jobs and your lavish lifestyle while your constituents and the rest of the taxpayers could do nothing about it—WELLL–Trump has made a promise to the American People that he is going to impose term limits on you bunch of Self-Serving Grifters—and that means Republicans as well as Democrats—you lousy Republicans stabbed us in the back when we elected you to Congress and Senate to defend us and defend America during the mid-term elections —-Get on out here with the rest of us and live under the laws that you forced on us—remember those laws ???? the ones that you rammed down our throats and exempted yourselves from while you lined your pockets with lobbyist money and voted yourself raises while we struggled to put bread on the table for our children—-you lousy bunch of blood suckers !!!! I would walk to Washington and bodily throw you out of your cushy offices —–you need to be sent to Afganistan and Syria and given a rifle and told to defend America from there—-VOTE TRMP / PENCE !!!!!!!!
He’s has been consistently breaking the law and you haven’t done anything about it so far… People are fed us with Congress too…