Barack Obama simply does not believe in the rule of law, at least for himself. That is the simple, plain truth, and it is amazing to watch. He somehow determined that he is royalty, and that when he speaks, his words should become law. When he is restrained, it is also interesting to see, as he becomes angry, petulant, and then insulting. That has been his response, for example, to being turned away when he has demanded new, unconstitutional anti-gun laws. He insists that he is a constitutional scholar, but seems incredibly uninformed regarding the venerable document. He also has very little respect for it. The same is true for his attempts to create illegal treaties with the advice and consent of Congress such as was done with the Iran agreement as well as the climate change regulations that he is promoting.
One of his latest objectives is to close the Guantanamo Bay (Gitmo) detention center in Cuba where dangerous and violent Islamic radicals are being held. He has been a critic from the start, claiming the conditions are barbaric and inhumane, in spite of reports of air conditioned cells, work out time, TV and VCR access, specially prepared Halal food, and access to a multitude of reading material. Obama seems to tilt toward Muslims in every case, even when those Muslims are murderous jihadis who have killed Americans and committed atrocities. For some reason, he seems to have a real warm place in his heart for them, and he would like to see them released from their prison, and in many cases, brought to the United States for a trial that should only be afforded to a citizen of this country rather than a thug murderer from the Middle East.
Obama plans to shut down Gitmo in spite of law
He has already broke many laws so arrest him already!
We the People gave you guys everything you said you needed to reign him in and you did the opposite. Elections are coming and your inaction will have consiquences .
Their all becoming millionaires and won’t shoot the cash cow
What do you mean “if”?
Why should anyone believe anything you say? You have shown us who you really are.
Hot dang, how many times does he have to break th LAW before action is taken.????
Yeah right you’ve had over a yr and done nothing time to clean the capital vote 2016
We can hope, but why didn’t he do and say this when he took over. ??
If Trump can combine people who believe in the 2nd Amendment, Union members, people with traditional family values, people who OBJECT being RULED by EXECUTIVE order, VETERANS, people who DISLIKE LIARS & SCANDALS, I think, Mr Trump, GOD WILLING, would win!
Union membership now, means almost nothing, as jobs are going OVERSEAS or just DISAPPEARING. Illegals, refugees, & guest workers, are also taking away jobs!
Obama & Hillary are ANTI-GUN. Gun-free zones according to them, are DEATH zones.
Court appointment & Executive Orders are CHANGING the SOCIAL FABRIC of our country! The BATHROOM/LOCKER ROOM is. SAFETY & PRIVACY issue, and in my opinion, NOT A GENDER ISSUE. People SHOULD NOT BE FORCED, if it’s AGAINST their religion.
Obama seems to be RE-WRITING history & REMOVING any mention of GOD from across the country. HISTORY is HISTORY… HAPPENED! Why not look at it as, “don’t let it happen again” or, “look at the ADVANCEMENTS we made!”
Our Veterans…past & present…have been ATTACKED by Obama. Obama DOWNPLAYS everything the country has done! He wants to TAKE AWAY, the RIGHTS, that our Veterans FOUGHT for! He’s LIMITING the ability of our CURRENT FORCES to actually FIGHT & WIN risking, in his mind, turning it into another VIETNAM.
Hillary’s personal scandals & POSSIBLE Obama CONNECTION, makes Hillary VERY UNTRUSTWORTHY. The FBI investigation & Inspector General for the State Department report & Judicial Watch questions DO NOT look GOOD for Hillary. In my opinion, she SHOULD NOT be saved by Obama’s Department of Justice! Hillary is NOT ABOVE THE LAW, and should be dealt with accordingly!!!
I certainly hope this is true Speaker Ryan.