Trump might not take kindly to South Park as they ridicule him on their recent episode. South Park Trump proposes to build a boarder wall with Canada, as the families crossing have “dirty families and play stupid music.”
Ultimately the show crosses the proverbial line by having Trump raped and murdered. Wanna see how far they cross the line? Go to page 2.
It’s true. They’ve poked at all the political issues and put both sides to shame. My only complaint is that Trump looks like those two farting TV show idiots.
Does anyone still watch this show?!! If so, then an episode like this…trump or anybody…perhaps their run should end now
That is what the gov wants, people too worried about what others will say about the disapproval of things that are FREEDOM OF SPEECH.
Right Alex!
The episode where Cartman has 10’s of thousands of stolen election ballots that would make Mitt Romney the winner of the 2012 election. And the Chinese want the ballots because they know Romney would have been tougher on them than Obama. So they are dealing with Cartman who wants the Star Wars Movie because the Chinese are going to… Hilarious!
And the episode ‘About Last Night’… While the rest of the nation is distracted by the results of the presidential election, Barack Obama and John McCain set out to complete their true combined objective: tunneling under the White House to the Museum of Natural History to steal the Hope Diamond…Michelle is pretending to be his wife…Sarah Palin is in on it.
Also Hilarious!
I’ll bet if it was hilary.all the mainstream media news would be in a uproar
What if it was hilary clinton would you still feel the same
Trey and Matt are really on top of stuff, and they are politically neutral. You have to have an open mind to get what they figure out
Complains about the world being PC, calls for people to be PC and boycott a show. Conservative logic at it’s finest. They’re libertarian, not liberal. Do a Google search before you start whining Doe
No morality?