Trump might not take kindly to South Park as they ridicule him on their recent episode. South Park Trump proposes to build a boarder wall with Canada, as the families crossing have “dirty families and play stupid music.”
Ultimately the show crosses the proverbial line by having Trump raped and murdered. Wanna see how far they cross the line? Go to page 2.
R u ppl truly whining about SP I’m a conservative republican and I know that SP attacks everyone it an honor too be made fun of by SP get over yourselves
Your an idiot u should problem catch up on past Sp episode than I would realize they make fun of everyone no matter of race crews religion or Politics
Not necessary at all
Exactly. I haven’t even watched tv in a while, being on night shift. But thank you, Marco Antonio. Matt and Trey are still the same.
Tom Cruise was another one. Trey and Matt joked about scientology, and he was pissed.
rule #1 with South park..NOTHING IS OFF LIMITS..and that’s why I enjoy it
That’s a whole big thing. Tom Cruise lost, that’s most important. Bahahahahah
You have to have a very low I.Q. if any to watch that c**p…