Trump might not take kindly to South Park as they ridicule him on their recent episode. South Park Trump proposes to build a boarder wall with Canada, as the families crossing have “dirty families and play stupid music.”
Ultimately the show crosses the proverbial line by having Trump raped and murdered. Wanna see how far they cross the line? Go to page 2.
How low can they go?! All the way down! 😛
Who watches South Park? Why is it still on?
yes they can trash whites? but can’t take it the same trash upon themselves
Trump, you should feel good! It just means your a threat to these dumbasses.they wouldn’t ha be featured u if they didmt feel threatened by your accomplishments.south park should have been banned long ago’s disgusting.
No they just want to make a decent person puke! They are vile – worse than maggot excrement. What America has turned into is a putrid mess. God help us!!!
How is Southpark liberal when they also blasted Politically correct people and blasted Caitlyn jenner? They pike fun at everything
I remember when trey and matt were neutral. Did they really pull this c**p?
Those people are wicked.
I don’t need to see the article or the show..
I don’t watch Evil Liberal Filth…
Liberal losers