Trump might not take kindly to South Park as they ridicule him on their recent episode. South Park Trump proposes to build a boarder wall with Canada, as the families crossing have “dirty families and play stupid music.”
Ultimately the show crosses the proverbial line by having Trump raped and murdered. Wanna see how far they cross the line? Go to page 2.
It may be funny, but rape and murder no matter how it is portrayed is…rape and murder…..
Hopefully trump will buy the network or that show and take that stupid show off the air the people who hate trump and a bunch of liberal gay f*g loving I wanna smoke drink get high ect raise your taxes to pay for the 100000 illegals want to take all your guns so will be sheep to the government so they can control u with no resistenance
Mark Rosell Nothing intelligent about raping someone to death! Anyone who thinks so has a serious mental and character defect. The show and it’s writers were completely out of line!!!!!!!!! There is no justification for it period!!!! How old are you Mark? written by Janet Tucker
You are absolutely right! Not too long ago I saw a Saturday late night cartoon… I was beyond appalled! If I had young or teenage children they would NEVER be allowed to watch such excrement!
Trump should laugh it off…we all remember the Hillary Snuke…lol
Mr Trump has way way way to many loyal patriots to ever let anything happen to him …
Yet many of these Anti Trump people support a President that deals with a country that supports terrorism and has chanted death to America and death to Israel, yet they are making fun of Trump? Now THAT I find funny.
???? That made zero sense
Boo hoo, this is for you…