Trump might not take kindly to South Park as they ridicule him on their recent episode. South Park Trump proposes to build a boarder wall with Canada, as the families crossing have “dirty families and play stupid music.”
Ultimately the show crosses the proverbial line by having Trump raped and murdered. Wanna see how far they cross the line? Go to page 2.
You’re all just mad because a silly cartoon, makes you all look like idiots…. I personally love it
Discusting. Not funny at all. Some sick f
It’s an honor to be on South Park, it’s a comedy. One of my favorite shows, that’s all it is…a show. What’s a couple of laughs gonna do? Nothin. Now bring this country some money Trump.
disgusting libtards
This is not only sick, but disgusting to have on telivision.
True, but did you see what they did to Caitlin Jenner….nobody has mercy from these guys. Thats why they are awesome.
Judy McCarthy, That’s what I say too!!! I hope he sue’s
Blaming liberals on this screw up Trump is a cowards way of hiding. Let’s talk about Trump, shall we? Trump’s arrogance, rudeness, thoughtlessness and sexist remarks doesn’t mean he’s strong, admirable NOR a leader. The ONLY thing I like about him is that he’s making people discuss politics.
That is terrible! I don’t care if you like Trump or not! Where are your morals?!? Oh that’s right you do not have any and that’s your problem!!
I don’t watch these trashy shows.