Trump might not take kindly to South Park as they ridicule him on their recent episode. South Park Trump proposes to build a boarder wall with Canada, as the families crossing have “dirty families and play stupid music.”
Ultimately the show crosses the proverbial line by having Trump raped and murdered. Wanna see how far they cross the line? Go to page 2.
South PArk should have been taken off the air years ago. It and several other so called adult cartoon programs, THAT CHILDREN ARE ALOUD TO WATCH have been under minning the family values for far too long.
This is propaganda at its worst and should not be allowed
Lots of butthurt for all!
cancel that stupid show ,
Matt and Trey are not liberals. Trump should be made fun of, he’s a belligerent clown and is stealing the spot light of other anti-establishment candidates who actually have some substance and not just a mouth full of farts. Trump will grow the government, he is an authoritarian not a libertarian, and has even gone as far as to call Edward Snowden a traitor who should be executed. I wish all the retards would get off the Trump wagon and get behind someone who has a real plan and something substantial to say. Cruz or Paul are every bit as brave as Trump, oppose the establishment, are far more solid on the constitution, and are libertarian unlike Trump.
I’m 52 and still love this show, they took on islam and have made fun of both liberals and GOP s over many decades I’m a trump voter, and saw true humor out of this episode, as a retired ff, we laugh at all sots of crazy sruff, crazy is our job! They are equal opertunities offenders!
They offend the isis, remember team America world police, he’ll they got a Tony for the broad way Mormon show, that has been going strong . They are hi thinkers, you have to be intelligent yourself to keep up with such quick humor.
Amazing that a liberal mind can function at all. TRUMP 16.