After years of debate, the South Carolina House passed a bill to block Islamic sharia law from being recognized or approved in the state. The legislation was passed with sixty-eight for the bill and forty-two opposed. For those of you who don’t know, sharia law is the legal and political system mandated in the Koran and other
Islamic texts includes laws governing religious practice, divorce, child-rearing, free-speech, clothing, sexual behavior and a plethora of other things that the government should really have no control over. These are the guiding principles of those who practice Islam.
Knowing this, it seems rather contradicting that liberals are so persistent on protecting Muslims and seeing that everybody goes out of their way to respect their practices, especially since sharia law makes women and non-Muslims lesser in status and grants men enormous power over wives, daughters and sons. It also allows for “honor killings” by fathers for anybody who refuses to comply.
Read more about this bill on the next page.
A Trump supporter telling someone to find Jesus what a joke
Congress chose to ignore it and we know why Obama ignored it. All a part of Soros, Obama and the UN agenda 21. They want rhis country to fall so they can rule over the United States and implement the New World Order.
Great for South Carolina – they are smart.
For crying out loud, we have our own laws! We don’t need that barbaric sharia law in the USA! Just common sense. If Muslims want it (and I can’t even understand why a woman would), then they should ship out for a Muslim country!
Bobs just mad because he woke up this morning to discover Trump is still his president, lol. Probably spends most of his recreational time creating anti-Trump memes.. Hell, i doubt he can even sleep peacefully at night without at least trolling a dozen Republicans with his childish potty-mouth acrobatics. Truly gifted bro,
My state!
Betty Crim Don’t feel bad I am from Illinois and this state has a long history of dumb as$#%&!@*laws lol
I’m proud of my state!
Karen Baker: You are a liar! I’m a life-long South Carolinian & proud of it. Ignorant people like you love to call people in the South inbred. Not a one of you would have the guts to tell us that to our face! Maybe you want Sharia law & a man to treat you worse than a dog.