After years of debate, the South Carolina House passed a bill to block Islamic sharia law from being recognized or approved in the state. The legislation was passed with sixty-eight for the bill and forty-two opposed. For those of you who don’t know, sharia law is the legal and political system mandated in the Koran and other
Islamic texts includes laws governing religious practice, divorce, child-rearing, free-speech, clothing, sexual behavior and a plethora of other things that the government should really have no control over. These are the guiding principles of those who practice Islam.
Knowing this, it seems rather contradicting that liberals are so persistent on protecting Muslims and seeing that everybody goes out of their way to respect their practices, especially since sharia law makes women and non-Muslims lesser in status and grants men enormous power over wives, daughters and sons. It also allows for “honor killings” by fathers for anybody who refuses to comply.
Read more about this bill on the next page.
caant understand why these muslim keep demanding sharia, if they know that in america its not allowed, nor permitted, we need to get rid of all this pestilence, once and for all.
One country one law— OURS–
Perfect!! Now the Federal Govt needs to enforce the law banning it already on the books.
AMERICANS! You need to wake the hell up! Islam is nothing more than a hell spawned, Satan worshiping, violent death cult, dedicated to$#%&!@* and the only ‘peace’ Islam offers is the peace of death, or slavery. Islam has no place in a modern pluralistic and democratic society. Islam is locked in a medieval culture that is antithetical to western mores. Islam will use our ‘tolerance’ to destroy all semblance of our liberty. Islam is intolerant of all other faiths. Islam is here to invade and to subdue, not to assimilate, and Islam may as well be an invasion of western civilization by Klingons. Remember that for these people to kill you as an act of religious piety gains them ‘heaven’, if you kill them before they can kill you, they still get ‘heaven’ as a participation prize, it’s a win-win for them. Although, apparently, the presence of pork products confuses whatever creature it is that they worship. HIJRAH is essentially conquest by emigration. HIJRAH is Jihad with the gloves on, on that is until they have become numerous enough. The end is the same, death or slavery. As for me and my house, we will serve the Republic. Patriots, you need to look to your powder, because you are involved in a death struggle.
u people better do something.
Should have 100% bipartisan support as almost all forms of Sharia Law discriminate against women by limiting their rights, education and roles in the community.
Good!!!!! Now stop voting for liberal/progressive IDIOTS!!!