After years of debate, the South Carolina House passed a bill to block Islamic sharia law from being recognized or approved in the state. The legislation was passed with sixty-eight for the bill and forty-two opposed. For those of you who don’t know, sharia law is the legal and political system mandated in the Koran and other
Islamic texts includes laws governing religious practice, divorce, child-rearing, free-speech, clothing, sexual behavior and a plethora of other things that the government should really have no control over. These are the guiding principles of those who practice Islam.
Knowing this, it seems rather contradicting that liberals are so persistent on protecting Muslims and seeing that everybody goes out of their way to respect their practices, especially since sharia law makes women and non-Muslims lesser in status and grants men enormous power over wives, daughters and sons. It also allows for “honor killings” by fathers for anybody who refuses to comply.
Read more about this bill on the next page.
what was there 2 debate dickheads u are in america
Should not need to pass a bill for something that is illegal here in the first place. Just enforce the law already on the books. Quit wasting taxpayer money for this stuff.
Muslims. Must be deported.. *
It’s against American) ?law and they’re setting up a foreign system of government on American soil.
Best news to date!!!!
All states should pass such laws , Sharia Law is completely and totally against everything our country is built on , if they want Sharia Law go back to the county they came from
We should not have to pass law. Our Constitution should be enough.
Allen Sauner Could you please quote exactly what you are talking about?
John Madden They had no reason to think of it. They weren’t Godless liberals.
Jerry Kauffman It’s not…..(what)?