After years of debate, the South Carolina House passed a bill to block Islamic sharia law from being recognized or approved in the state. The legislation was passed with sixty-eight for the bill and forty-two opposed. For those of you who don’t know, sharia law is the legal and political system mandated in the Koran and other
Islamic texts includes laws governing religious practice, divorce, child-rearing, free-speech, clothing, sexual behavior and a plethora of other things that the government should really have no control over. These are the guiding principles of those who practice Islam.
Knowing this, it seems rather contradicting that liberals are so persistent on protecting Muslims and seeing that everybody goes out of their way to respect their practices, especially since sharia law makes women and non-Muslims lesser in status and grants men enormous power over wives, daughters and sons. It also allows for “honor killings” by fathers for anybody who refuses to comply.
Read more about this bill on the next page.
Always liked S C
Thank God, I ❤️ S.C. & couldn’t afford to move.
Donald Trump said, “When Mexico sends their people, they’re not sending their best. They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.”
This statement is not racist.
Donald Trump is not a racist.
Donald Trump had some not so nice things to say publicly about specific women that publicly weren’t saying nice things about him. Over 11 years ago in a private conversation, that was secretly recorded and later made public, he spoke to the shallowness of some women-stating that because he is rich he could do whatever he wanted with these women including grabbing them by the$#%&!@* Not exactly the most gentlemanly thing to say but let’s look at what he actually DOES. He furnishes his female employees equal pay, (Hillary doesn’t, the Clinton foundation does not afford equal pay for women), and more women hold executive positions than men in the Trump organization. This is fact. Donald Trump is not sexist nor is he misogynistic. His actions prove this.
Donald Trump wants to protect Our American Borders and pledges to uphold the United States Constitution -words that Hillary Clinton has never uttered.
Donald Trump is a Patriot.
He has never said a bad word about anyone who supports his opponent, while she stated that half of his supporters are racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, islamophobic, deplorable and irredeemable.
It is clear which candidate is hateful and divisive and it isn’t Donald Trump. From her own mouth, Hillary Clinton wants open borders for all -including people from enemy nations. People who rape and murder their women, believe in honor killing, murder their homosexuals and who cut the$#%&!@*out of little girls. Some of these people want to come here and impose Sharia law. No American wants these barbaric practices in Our Country. There are already Laws in place- The Immigration and Nationally Act, as well as, American Laws for American Courts was crafted to protect American citizens’ Constitutional Rights against the infiltration and incursion of foreign laws and foreign legal doctrines, especially Islamic Sharia law. These are not being upheld and puts Americans in extreme danger. Donald Trump wants to purge Sharia law from Our Nation.
Supporters of Donald Trump have been accused desperate to see him win. However, that is not entirely true. We are indeed desperate, but we are desperate to save Our Nation. Donald Trump wants safety and prosperity for ALL American Citizens. This is what makes him the one uniquely qualified. We need to protect Our Rights.
Vote for
Donald J. Trump
I know CA school teachers and nurses who talk about how diseased and lice ridden many south of Mexico illegals who come in are..there is a rampaging issue in S. CA schools with all sorts of illness and, transmittable diseases., Lice can be seen crawling in kid’s hair!!!! THIS is what Trump meant.. A nation must be able to choose who it’s citizens will be.
in the 1900s immigrants were examined and sequestered if they had TB (now on the rise as is every other disease we thought controlled) The scene from The Godfather movie 2 (?) -where he was a small child immigrant, and isolated in a ward for months to protect others. This is totally lost now with wide open borders.
I say… imagine if CHINA were on our southern (or northern) border…1.4 billion yearning for a better we let them flood in unrestricted?. PROXIMITY to the US is not reason to permit anyone access. Canada SHUT DOWN by law the thousands of Taiwanese pregnant women FLYING in-at great cost!!- just to birth anchor babies… but it is going on privately now in ‘birthing houses’ where wealthy immigrants are supporting the continuation of anchor babies.
F**k Sharia Law !
This should be passed nationwide
The way it should be!
We already have laws go home
It’s already a law. Enforce the fucking laws. It’s been a Law since 52. All of america not just one state. You’re wasting millions of taxpayers money to$#%&!@*around with this$#%&!@*
Hope this is true and all states go along with doing it. It’s already part of our Constitution