Issuing a ruling that shocked many, Circuit Judge Markley Dennis determined that James Edward Loftis, who is accused of shooting, burying, and “slow cooking” two people, does not pose a threat to others or a flight risk and is thus free to post bail. Loftis promptly paid the $250,000 bail, a hefty amount somewhat bigger than what what his lawyers were asking for.
Loftis’ defense rests on the claim that he was threatened by the two men he killed, pointing to the state’s “stand your ground” law as justification for his actions. According to him, the two men forced their way into his house, leaving Loftis no choice but to defend his person and his property.
The prosecution, however, contends that this explanation conflicts with an earlier account Loftis gave in which he invited the men into his home of his own accord.
Learn more about this strange case on the next page:
I don’t think so…he killed them, call the police, DO NOT BURY THEM, DO NOT SET THEM ON FIRE, DO NOT EAT THEM…and this judge let the MF go? what is this country coming to? stand your ground my ass, that is taking it a little too far…
This guy and the likes of him aggravate the hell out of me. On one side you have responsible people and on the other you have this$#%&!@* “Stand your ground” laws are depended on by law biding citizens that protect them from unnecessary backlash from the law and rhis guy gives all thos people a bad name.
Truth And Action hi everybody, Truth And Action. o.O, I see 536, and you? test here…
click here ~~> #wwweyescom07
Obama plans on killing our electric power and blaming it on another country so he can call for martial law. Don’t be fooled by these stories of threat Tks for: ……truthandaction…/south-carolina-man-slow-cooks-alleged-intruders-released-250k-bail/I’m tired of saying nothing & doing nothing. It’s time we rally together, get the truth out & make changes to the system.
Slow cooks….like crock pot slow?
Did he use a slow crockpot ???
The guy was ruyfied at a club and maintaned himself enough to defend his home against an bar insider/taxi driver assault. The people that ruyfied him can thank themselves for the bond. Do work
Gold digger