In proof that dumb ideas, even evil ones, persist long after they’ve been proven to be such, we see an especially obnoxious policy about to be instituted in another African nation.
Recall that Zimbabwe under Robert Mugabe has been anything but a beacon of freedom, prosperity, and democracy. This man destroyed his nation’s currency and economy, and legitimized the government theft of farms owned by whites. It’s a perfect combination of institutionalized theft coupled with the worst of socialist economic policies. That the nation became an economic basket case was to be expected.
Now we see another nation whose leaders have decided to pursue a similar course of action. Never mind the disastrous impact it will have on their nation, or the gross unfairness, or even criminality of their proposals. They are determined to purse this course because they have a political agenda that in their minds supersedes the rule of law and the welfare of the people of their country.
More on page two.
This is racism. Where is the outcry? This is getting ridiculus.
F**k you Negro
F**e news
Sounds like the black circus in DC. Or the black panthers. Or black lives matter. We of lighter shades of color stopped caring about darker colors over 150 years ago. So drop the black monkeys on your backs and come into the 21st century.
In South Africa?
Whites should not stand for it time to eliminate the problem throw him out
There are a lot of people who have an insanity gene! They are also missing the on sense gene.
Agree racism was dead before obama
Well,if he is successful in the land takeover, get that country a few years before the country is starving. The blacks, in general, do not have the expertise and the experience in growing the crops necessary to feed the country. Nor do they have the fortitude. Give them a few years of starvation, they’ll be begging the white farmer to return.