In proof that dumb ideas, even evil ones, persist long after they’ve been proven to be such, we see an especially obnoxious policy about to be instituted in another African nation.
Recall that Zimbabwe under Robert Mugabe has been anything but a beacon of freedom, prosperity, and democracy. This man destroyed his nation’s currency and economy, and legitimized the government theft of farms owned by whites. It’s a perfect combination of institutionalized theft coupled with the worst of socialist economic policies. That the nation became an economic basket case was to be expected.
Now we see another nation whose leaders have decided to pursue a similar course of action. Never mind the disastrous impact it will have on their nation, or the gross unfairness, or even criminality of their proposals. They are determined to purse this course because they have a political agenda that in their minds supersedes the rule of law and the welfare of the people of their country.
More on page two.
This sounds awfully familiar, did this not happen back in the 90s sometime?? Or is this just a continuation for white genocide??
Agreed! Racism has become a crutch for blacks everywhere. They use it as the very reason they have failed at being successful! Instead of raising their children to stand tall and work hard for their dreams they instead give them a excuse for being welfare leaches that blame everyone but there selves! Wake up people you are only hurting you’re selves
Hahahaha perhaps he would like all the ones that hate being here to come to him now …
This is going to far has to stop
Of course be does. Let em have it, we all know they will destroy it in 2 years maximum. You cant give savages money or power
And theyll turn it into a shithole like they normally do
Another race baiter
Certainly not a Mandela
Dutch thugs? Are these the same Dutch thugs who have made a vibrant economy and fruitful lands? Look out citizens of the US, this will soon be coming to our country!
another stupid N word