Since the release of a certain inconvenient documentary, global warming has become a hot issue (no pun intended) among American citizens. The controversy surrounding it has become a huge part of the liberal agenda, and was also one of the Pope’s talking points during his recent visit to the United States.
With all of the questionable science and theories behind it, it turns out that scientists were missing something crucial. According to United Nations climate scientist, Dr. Indur Goklany, the rising level of carbon dioxide in the Earth’s atmosphere is actually good for both humanity and the biosphere. While the costs of warming are uncertain, Goklany says the benefits of carbon dioxide are real and provable.
Read more about the benefits on the next page.
I only know that since like 3rd grade!
SHHHHHHHH!! Quiet!!! The dirivative gamblers in the financial system need those carbon credits to gamble with. What, are you trying to destroy the economy?
Didn’t you learn that in school? Humans breath oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide. Trees and plants take in carbon dioxide and give out oxygen.
Thought everybody knew that
very true
Always knew that, learned that in grade school when teachers were still teaching.
Yah, Carbon Dioxide helps you breathe – now if you want to wear some type of breathing unit the rest of your lives – you better stop with this nonsense.
Well duh! Smh
Engineering climate change. Spraying to choke off life some other way since their Gore madness quick working 😉
Millenials now nothing, I hate it and am ashamed to be part of said generation.