Since the release of a certain inconvenient documentary, global warming has become a hot issue (no pun intended) among American citizens. The controversy surrounding it has become a huge part of the liberal agenda, and was also one of the Pope’s talking points during his recent visit to the United States.
With all of the questionable science and theories behind it, it turns out that scientists were missing something crucial. According to United Nations climate scientist, Dr. Indur Goklany, the rising level of carbon dioxide in the Earth’s atmosphere is actually good for both humanity and the biosphere. While the costs of warming are uncertain, Goklany says the benefits of carbon dioxide are real and provable.
Read more about the benefits on the next page.
Brittany Hope Fisher sheep are funny
That “95% of scientists” has been proven to be BS….years ago….
Man is creating more than the planet can process. Why do you think the average planet temperature has risen for 14 straight years?
yes because science is decided by consensus… have you even taken an elementary level science class? and that study was proven bogus a long time ago. Also, there has been no significant warming since 1998. AND the ocean becoming more acidic is part of how the earth corrects CO2 levels. more CO2, earth is heated. more water is evaporated leading to more rain. that rain then absorbs CO2 from the atmosphere making carbonic acid (acid rain). the acid rain then chemically weathers rocks and also dissolves in water to create bicarbonate ions which are then used by organisms in the water to make shells. The extra hydrogen ion is used in other chemical weathering reactions. the organisms then die and their shells sink tho the bottom of the ocean where lithification takes place and the shells are turned into limestone, storing the CO2 into sedimentary rock. There is geological evidence of this exact process occurring in the past, specifically after snowball earth which was followed by what is known as the hothouse where we had a bit of a runaway greenhouse effect which caused huge amounts of chemical weathering returning the climate to a cooler temperature. The evidence for this is large dropstones deposited by melting icebergs about 700 Ma directly thunderhead a huge layer of carbonate rocks near the equator. The benefit of this is what is talked about in this article, increased rainfall, ending droughts, increasing crop yield (you want to end world hunger, right?) and parts of Africa greening (again, world hunger? people there are starving because they cannot grow crops there due to the drought) Also, the ice caps are growing which reflect sunlight and will help lower the temperature.
theres a green cloud floating through space that scientists cant explain. perhaps a planet with too much of something purged itself. Earth is kinda like that
but wait we have record Ice sheets in the apolar regions this SO much for the caps melting lol
And ice is at an all time high…
don’t any one remember there high school science the trees and plant breath in co2 and exhale o2 need to stop cutting down all the trees
Is this to say BURN ALL THE OIL YOU WANT? Dump your c**p in the rivers and oceans, make c**p, don’t worry.
Blind, ignorant of the facts and just plain retarded. I have to assume you love the methane issue as well. Methane is also a carbon greenhouse gas.