Since the release of a certain inconvenient documentary, global warming has become a hot issue (no pun intended) among American citizens. The controversy surrounding it has become a huge part of the liberal agenda, and was also one of the Pope’s talking points during his recent visit to the United States.
With all of the questionable science and theories behind it, it turns out that scientists were missing something crucial. According to United Nations climate scientist, Dr. Indur Goklany, the rising level of carbon dioxide in the Earth’s atmosphere is actually good for both humanity and the biosphere. While the costs of warming are uncertain, Goklany says the benefits of carbon dioxide are real and provable.
Read more about the benefits on the next page.
Roy Ryan you should watch the movie, “They live”
You with the arabs? Mr Putin? Good afternoon- salam- did you all came here to give me the gold I needed to bake the cake I promised for Mr Bill Gates? Oh YOu must be here because of my theory I gave Bill gates & GE ( General Electric) Well INDEED, ALLAH cares so much of the Arabs he wont stop these of their livelihood- so rig out as much oil underneath the earth and it wont do anymore damage because the angels FOLLOWED the innovation mankind discovered- NO FROST- a freon is liken to the oil that runs a refrigerator to make ice- the more ice the more it needs oil- and so arctic and antarctic- the massive ice these regions produces the much oil it needs from beneath the earth surfaces. The gods pool which is more resourceful to humanity the mass ice on Arctic and Antarctic or the OIL? the angels said it looks like the OIL. and thus the gods allow the NO FROST-thin ice on the arctic and antarctic and that explains why even with the massive oil already extracted there seems to be much of bounty of oil that remains underneath the earth – well ALLAH won it for the arabs to keep their livelihood and afford the expensive luxury living in the arab deserts – ergo arabs you did it- with much oil you got in your lands that your rig and provide humanity the much wealth and gold in your hold to AFFORD DEVELOPMENT PLANS on all arab nations that begun in UAE now QATAR now OMAN. Congratulations your faith lead you to the making of new worlds for all arabs. Keep on going- and before I go- you promise me that you will indeed check Bank of AMerica and Bill Gates if not today then on his birthday this month October 28, 2015- that you will bake his cake for me and convince him to begin his new step towards a triumphant end on his given challenge after one year. Again thank you Mr Putin and your Majesties for visiting me today on my Facebook Page!FYI copy of my letter to arabs and Mr Putin
Okay DR Indur Goklany- The carbon dioxide produced by mankind because of oil and gasses emission is NOT at all good for the environment- the NO FROST in arctic and antartic regions allows then thick ice to melt and become cold thin air – the wind channels then cold thin air to the atmosphere in greater speed to counter the massive carbon dioxide had it not been NO FROST on Arctic and Antarctic mankind wont survive the invincibility of the carbon dioxide on air – ultimately- NO FROST on these ice regions save the earth for then the supply of oil don’t ran out thus the supply of these to humanity is not hampered and the effect of the too much oil on the environment was resolved by also the NO FROST on the ice regions for it is not possible for the wind to carry the thick ice off the arctic and antarctic lest it will be a total havoc on earth and get us to ice age just to cover the carbon dioxide on our atmosphere- meaning the NO FROST in these regions eliminated and still does the pollution caused by oil and gasses. NO HARM AT ALL ON THIN ICE- Just nature trending with the new age.
These f**e scientists never learned about photosynthesis
Proof right here that this is the world stupidest page.
CO2 is plant food.
Watch out roy his facts r from a movie
You will believe any LIE Obama tells. Any 3rd grader can tell you carbon dioxide is taken care of by trees and we have billions of trees world wide.
The trees need it. Didn’t you pay attention in 4th grade science class, you idiots.
Not at the levels were pumping it out, combined with the rapid depletion of vegetation world wide. The air is Brown over every major city, wake up