In a paper written for the Global Warming Policy Foundation, Dr. Indur Goklany claimed that carbon dioxide is actually good for the environment. It fertilizes plants and has a beneficial effect on crops, increasing yields by 10 to 15 percent. Goklany, who has represented the United States on the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change or the IPCC as it’s more commonly referred, believes that his findings will balance the debate, assuming that the media stops overlooking it and keeping the people in the dark.
“Unlike the claims of future global warming disasters,” Dr Golkany says, “These benefits are firmly established and are being felt now.
“Yet despite this the media overlook the good news and the public remain in the dark. My report should begin to restore a little balance.”
Professor Myles Allen of the University of Oxford admitted there were some benefits from increased levels of carbon dioxide, but nonetheless said Dr Golkany’s assertions had “Stalinist overtones”.
He told the Sunday Times: “… I worry about the Stalinist overtones of adding up the losses and benefits and deciding humanity as a whole will benefit from global warming. Drowning Bangladeshis might not be reassured by higher crop yields in Ukraine.”
In a foreword report, Professor Freeman Dyson, a world renowned physicist, said that Goklany’s conclusion shows how oblivious scientists and so-called “experts” have been to obvious facts. It also goes to show you how little politicians actually know about global warming, besides the fact that they can use it to make money and strike fear into people.
Not. Even. Close.
The earth is quite capable of healing itself. It takes time but it will be fine
Mother Nature knows Best
Plants take in CO2 and give O2 to animals.Science 101.
yes it is
So they’ll be getting rid of that climate change gas tax in California tomorrow right