As Italy struggles to deal with a veritable flood of migrants into its ports, it must face the fact that the migrant crisis has been manufactured by left-wing billionaire George Soros’s funding of a network of non-governmental organizations (NGOs) that push open borders and media censorship.
Other European countries are dealing with burdens inflicted by Soros-linked NGOs, but one, Hungary has stood up to defy him and ban NGOs from operating there.
Like most leftist organizations, these NGOs adopt high-minded sounding names and manifestos to deflect scrutiny and criticism. The perversion of language is a known tool of those who scorn democratic processes and want to install totalitarian regimes.
The intricacy of the web of deceit created in Italy makes it difficult to identify and uproot those working against Italian sovereignty. On the next page, that web and Soros’s devious schemes are exposed. The extent of penetration into Italian society is truly disturbing.
F**k him kick him out
Why isn’t this evil devil in jail,
So Bill Clinton is a favorite of yours. 1. He high tailed it to Oxford university to escape the draft 2. Was a sexual predator before and during office3. Sold nuclear reactors to the North Koreans. Barry was a common street thug who lied about his citizenship and double the national debt. I. The 10 months that Trump had been in office he’s helped add 500,000 new jobs, the stock market is at its highest, unemployment is at a 17 year low, closing the borders so that every 3rd degenerate doesn’t enter the country.try
he can be stopped…the dummies let him do this
Praying for this man. His actions are deplorable. He needs salvation.
Plan to own the world! But who will want his kind of world?
Hes in love with the transgender type .
Somebody needs to put this$#%&!@*in a box already piece of s**t
Reutov Zack heres your president