As Italy struggles to deal with a veritable flood of migrants into its ports, it must face the fact that the migrant crisis has been manufactured by left-wing billionaire George Soros’s funding of a network of non-governmental organizations (NGOs) that push open borders and media censorship.
Other European countries are dealing with burdens inflicted by Soros-linked NGOs, but one, Hungary has stood up to defy him and ban NGOs from operating there.
Like most leftist organizations, these NGOs adopt high-minded sounding names and manifestos to deflect scrutiny and criticism. The perversion of language is a known tool of those who scorn democratic processes and want to install totalitarian regimes.
The intricacy of the web of deceit created in Italy makes it difficult to identify and uproot those working against Italian sovereignty. On the next page, that web and Soros’s devious schemes are exposed. The extent of penetration into Italian society is truly disturbing.
Bob ZahnZahn you want to know how people come to that? When idiots like you are the voice of this country. We’re tired of you running our country into the dirt. So screw off.
R there words for this!!
Soros is an existential threat to western democracies and should be jailed for subversion and his assets seized.
Funny how you think Trump is a bad president but Obama was a terrorist-sympathizer, Bush jr started the war on terror which has been going on for 16 fucking years, Clinton was surrounded by sex scandals, and his wife colluded with Russia to sell uranium to Iran. But by all means, keep saying Trump fucked up. It’ll make sure he gets re-elected.
Jail that old bastard for terrorists ties. Treason and corruption.
I wait for the day that we hear that you’ve gone to hell for eternal damnation!!!!!
This man and his cronies need to be brought down immediately! He is a threat to all democracies.
Soros needs to be executed!
Drain the swamp! Thanks for the swamp picture, not complete but good enough.
Bob Zahn Here’s your POTUS,,,