Over the past year, George Soros has made himself one of the chief advocates of open borders across the continent with his calls for massive, blanket acceptance of those claiming to be refugees — the very policies that have crippled communities and economies across Europe.
One would think Soros would run from accusations that those refugees are the cause for Europe’s current financial crisis, but he hasn’t. In fact, he’s admitting that such is true.
Why a man would call for an increase in refugees while admitting they’re a drain on the stability of the regions they enter is anyone’s guess, but one thing is clear: Soros knows exactly what he’s advocating for.
To see his repudiation of his own immigration policies, continue reading on the next page:
This man is in dire need of a ducktape gag.
This commie is nuts and belongs in jail too!!!
It’s your idea. Give them all your money
Obama’s people folks
Let him pay for it himself.
If you are not willing to fight for your freedom and liberties then you deserve neither. I do not pitty the refugees. During our Revolution men women and children fought the British for their freedom from tyranny!!!
So Soros start flooding the cash. When you die you can’t take it with you!
Let Obama Hillary and Soros put up the money it’s their mess.
He and Obamabare using the se techniques the Bolsheviks did in Russia in 1917. Adding Hitlers mantra “he who controls the youth, controls the future” and Alinsky “rules for radicals “. “Tell the lie, repeat the lie intil thet beleive the lie”. Amazing how easily the lie is propagated when you own the media and just how uneducated people have become.
You Soros have the money you do it!!