Arch socialist globalist and race riot revolution mastermind George Soros emerged to spout an ultimatum to all Europe. Every country must “accept responsibility” for the mass influx of Muslims now flooding the continent.
Billionaire Soros, who writes for Project Syndicate, an Open Society propaganda forum, that the EU is somehow absolutely obliged to take in a million Muslim migrants per year, every year and spend $16.8k annually on each, a grand total of $17 billion…per year…to infinity and beyond. Read the next page to find out how Soros thinks this all this will be funded:
the usurper speaks…Mr.$#%&!@*himself…go to jail Soros
He has no authority just because he is a Billionaire,tell people what they can do and not do.
In his house.
Muslim migration – look at The Saudi Royal Family -rulers of the Arab world . Look at Kuwait . They do not accept the immigrants , they do not accept the so called Palestine’s in their country and they are Arab ! Why is that ? Why the open borders in E.U. ? and now Canada ? Think back to the 70’s … England , France , U.S. and Canada sigh …. It’s business The Saudis cannot have the migration of those people because they would disturb business . Disturb the status quo attempt a cou which they have tried in times past so they give very generously to the E.U. Canada the U.S. at different times but just recently Trudeau went and got some as we know because he went on a lavish vacation with a Prince . The British Royal family well you don’t get millions of dollars in baubles ( what is documented ) because they like you . British Petroloum OPEC ect….
f**k you$#%&!@*asshole.
You will have a Jesus meeting pretty soon you’re not going to like you’re out come.
this IDIOT has got to go.
Why not settle in your homes
Where is this man a citize
Not in my life!