Arch socialist globalist and race riot revolution mastermind George Soros emerged to spout an ultimatum to all Europe. Every country must “accept responsibility” for the mass influx of Muslims now flooding the continent.
Billionaire Soros, who writes for Project Syndicate, an Open Society propaganda forum, that the EU is somehow absolutely obliged to take in a million Muslim migrants per year, every year and spend $16.8k annually on each, a grand total of $17 billion…per year…to infinity and beyond. Read the next page to find out how Soros thinks this all this will be funded:
Needs to be killed.
He see’s the Muslim migration as a means to destroy America from the inside out…………….MPA
Remember, his mentor Adolf created the muslim position of grand mufti and allied the muslims to his anti Israel agenda. Seems Soros is also very much anti American as he seeks to eliminate the people who brought down Hitler
They are free to hurry up to their home in hell. I’ll help!
How about your estates?????
How about those islamists migrants go and settle on his and all his democrat liberal buddies estate state! That would be fare – they want to lead the world – then lead with the power of personal example! Otherwise just shut the hell up!
You pos
You Old Bastard You need Shot.
How about in YOUR house???
There is a group of people in the United States of America who have been in the country for many many decades subverting it trying to destroy it from within. This group of people are Socialists/Nazis and or Communists at heart. These people hate the Truth, the United States of America, the Declaration of Independence, the US Constitution, the Bill of Rights, the rule of law, all sense of morality, any mention of Salvation through the Lord Jesus Christ, and the Freedom these things offer. These people are the ones who make excuses for and defend Islamic terrorism. They are the ones who call people bigots, racists and islamophobes for criticizing Islam and pointing out the Evil of Islam. They do this even if you use Islam’s book the Quran to do so. They are also the ones who ten minutes after a deadly Islamic terrorist attack blame the attack on the victims of the attack, the Crusades, guns, the United States, poverty, climate change, Christians, Freedom or anything else they can think of, but never the ideology of Islam. They do this even though they know Moslems have murdered in the last 1400 years 400 million people in violent Jihad trying to spread Islam by the sword. They scream Islam is a religion of peace before the blood of the latest victims of Moslems is even cold. These people have sided with Islam and they have also sided with Globalism. These people have in common with Globalists and Islamists a couple of things. One of them is hatred of Christ and those who Trust in Christ. The other is a desire to create a One-World government. They want their World government to convince or force people to submit to and/or worship it. This World government they want is known as The New World Order, Islamic World$#%&!@*and The Reign of Antichrist. These people I am taking about along with their Globalist and Islamofascist comrades plan to take control of the United States of America and the rest of the Western World, establish their desired World government and commit genocide against all those who will refuse to submit to and/or worship it. Most of the people they will murder by genocide will be Christians because it will be mostly Christians who will refuse to submit to and/or worship their World government. The Wicked people I’m talking about are known as Leftists, Liberals, Progressives, Democrats, moderate Republicans and pseudo conservatives. They along with their Evil Globalist and Islamofascist comrades are the greatest threat to Liberty, Peace and Life the World has ever known.