Arch socialist globalist and race riot revolution mastermind George Soros emerged to spout an ultimatum to all Europe. Every country must “accept responsibility” for the mass influx of Muslims now flooding the continent.
Billionaire Soros, who writes for Project Syndicate, an Open Society propaganda forum, that the EU is somehow absolutely obliged to take in a million Muslim migrants per year, every year and spend $16.8k annually on each, a grand total of $17 billion…per year…to infinity and beyond. Read the next page to find out how Soros thinks this all this will be funded:
His action are terrorist actions and he must be dealt with as a terrorist along with several others having the same goal .
Does he realize that if Muslims get their way that being an old Jew they will promptly cut off his head?
I think they should settle all around sorros
Shut down immigrants and Soros yesterday
Settle all of them in his front yard
Well hell put em in your house that will be a good start
No asshole
But this hypocrite wrinkled evil toad doesnt take any of these migrants, who are destroying Europe, to any of his facilities he owns there. He watches the destruction of those countries from his cozy mansions and wants the same for this country. It is time to bring this arrogant c**p to justice.
Then put them in your properties dumbass!!!
More like everywhere he likes