Nearby the town of Elberton, Georgia is a strange granite edifice that has stood bearing a series of mysterious messages since March 22nd, 1980. The “Georgia Guidesones,” as they are known, were unveiled in front of about 300 people, but the exact details of their origin as well as the intention of the monument is an enigma.
The huge granite slabs are inscribed with a series of odd messages that the average American won’t find appealing, like eliminating most of the earth’s population. What else do the Guidestone inscriptions say?
The someone are called the DEMOCRATIC PARTY..
It’s probably the right thing for the planet people are ignorant users and earth deserves to go on
It’s called the demorcrates.
Yup, Muslims.
Is my exwife pissed off again ?
wow it went from 2/3 of the population to 90% of the population mayby it would be a better world with only10,000000 people
I’m sure some INSANE Group of people will succeed !!!!
Incorrect that Hillary Clinton
My idea is drop all of China, India, New York/jersey, Japan, off the map it would cover close to the 90%