Another climate scientist has stepped forward to not just poke a fatal hole in the climate change alarmists’ narrative, but also warn that we may soon be facing a very long winter.
According to Northumbria University’s Professor Valentina Zharkova, changes in sun spot activity over the next 30 years will result in the sun having a reduced magnetic field. This reduction in the sun’s magnetic field will in turn lead to conditions that resemble the Maunder Minimum.
What’s the Maunder Minimum you ask?
Read more and see video on the next page:
You didn’t answer my question.
More b******t
Jay Norman exactly. Nailed it. Can’t we send all these anti American democrats somewhere like Iran?
I thought it was rhetorical. There was nothing Prof Zharkova said in the video that claims a mini-ice age is coming. She predicts a Maunder Minimum. The idea that the Maunder Minimum that occurred between 1645 and 1715 had something to do with the “mini-ice age” of 1816 (! Yes, 100 years after the end of the Maunder Minimum!) or that it had anything to do with climate fluctuations on Earth is not well established. The studies have shown only an apparent correlation between regional weather and sunspot activity/magnetic field intensity dips… nothing global.
Seriously? Sunspots and the earths magnetic field are not “global”?
Dan, you seem to feel “liberal” is a bad word. It means “free”. A liberal press is guaranteed by the Constitution. Breitbart and Truth and Action are also guaranteed by the Constitution. Now will you answer my question? Did you read the reaction of Prof Zharkova herself?
I did.
I’ve been following this for several years now, and the prediction of a significantly cooler period from about now to about 2040 has been steady among the scientists warning of it. Ice core samples have shown predictable cycles of low solar activity, low sunspots and cold periods all coinciding dating back hundreds of thousands of years.
Scientific evidence indicates all of the variables are lined up again and that in fact the cooling has already begun (all of the last 17 years of no warming) and will accelerate over the next 3 to 5 years.
Heard about this mini ice age awhile ago. Makes sense.
Winter is coming!