Another climate scientist has stepped forward to not just poke a fatal hole in the climate change alarmists’ narrative, but also warn that we may soon be facing a very long winter.
According to Northumbria University’s Professor Valentina Zharkova, changes in sun spot activity over the next 30 years will result in the sun having a reduced magnetic field. This reduction in the sun’s magnetic field will in turn lead to conditions that resemble the Maunder Minimum.
What’s the Maunder Minimum you ask?
Read more and see video on the next page:
James what does this have to do tlwith the article. Troll.
More Demoncrap nonsense. Govt would not be messing in healthcare if the Drms had kept their klepto fingers out!
Randy Jones
Oh look. More memes from the basement dwellers. Still no legit argument.
So what’s your “high rise” arguement?
Well, when you learn how to spell argument, I may entertain you.
Truth and Action dot Org is a hoax-promoting website. Don’t believe anything they say. I googled it: Facebook, Reddit, Wikipedia, Snopes… all the fact-checking services say Truth and Action is a conspiracy theory f**e news site.
Carol Helm Hmmmm…maybe all that CO2 gas will stop us from freezing to death during the next solar ice age. Yeah, Right!
Our planet is getting hotter. No we’re going into an ice age. No the climate is unchanged. In other words its just like the weather channel. They have no fucking idea what is going on.