Another climate scientist has stepped forward to not just poke a fatal hole in the climate change alarmists’ narrative, but also warn that we may soon be facing a very long winter.
According to Northumbria University’s Professor Valentina Zharkova, changes in sun spot activity over the next 30 years will result in the sun having a reduced magnetic field. This reduction in the sun’s magnetic field will in turn lead to conditions that resemble the Maunder Minimum.
What’s the Maunder Minimum you ask?
Read more and see video on the next page:
Time to invest in a good Winter coat. Gloves, hat, boots; probably a good idea, too. Warmist scammers have been hiding the decline for more than a decade; lowered the historical temperature data for the 1930’s; inflated current data and claim that every year is the “Hottest year on record”; claim the seas are rising, when they aren’t; claim polar ice is dwindling, when it isn’t. They are desperate because they know they can’t hide it much longer. People are gonna go to prison. #LockThemUp 😉
If you buy into the climate change scam and believe it is getting warmer just wait until Iran gets Nukes…
So, if you are hearing the “Paris Climate Agreement and confused about what it is let me see if I can help you out. Its a plan that Obama initiated to reduce the Global Warming effect caused by human activity by 2030. . The Paris agreement created this United Nations climate slush fund, largely underwritten by American taxpayers. In his final year in office, President Obama contributed $500 million from the State Department to this fund on two separate occasions. He did it without authorization from Congress.)…This is TEXTBOOK Redistribution of wealth. We know the Globalists want to destroy America and make it just one of many countries, no stronger or richer than anyone else.
Climate Change, means the Government can put 100s of 1000s of pages of regulations on energy production and consumption. (they can charge a ridiculous Tax from you and send the money out of the US to other countries redistributing your money to the UN to distribute to whom they choose. They lie and get you feeling responsible, then tax the hell out of you. They create subsidies for the poor, and charge the middle class 4 times what they pay now…in the name of “Sacrifice for the greater good” Sounds like your “You can keep your doctor speech, right?”
Karl Marx said to create true socialism you must use political correctness and guilt to control health care and energy. If you can control them you can destroy capitalism and replace with socialism.
That is what this is all about, Obama care and Climate change, destroying the middle class and creating a subservient populism under government control. Obama made (without congress) that all cars will have to be mandatory 54.5 mpg by 2025, it is also estimated it will cost 6.5 trillion in economic growth which will destroy jobs. Mind you, that this Paris agreement puts 0 restrictions on China and India (2 largest in pollution) and Russia is allowed to increase their emissions by 50%.
simple; someone will have to give up something in order to achieve the goals. Guess who that someone will be.
fact: its 42° in june right now, plants that started growing 2 weeks ago are already going into their bloom cycle. “Why ask no reason, for the misplacement of the seasons?”…ignorant fools
Dan Oppie i cant make you understand…words. Sorry dude.
Those global greedy thieves
Either Ya know and or just don’t care
Finally truthful scientists are stepping forward. The scientists that are going along with the globel warming hoax are doing so to get grants from the government.
thank god we discovered fossil fuel when we did we might be in an ice age already .