Another climate scientist has stepped forward to not just poke a fatal hole in the climate change alarmists’ narrative, but also warn that we may soon be facing a very long winter.
According to Northumbria University’s Professor Valentina Zharkova, changes in sun spot activity over the next 30 years will result in the sun having a reduced magnetic field. This reduction in the sun’s magnetic field will in turn lead to conditions that resemble the Maunder Minimum.
What’s the Maunder Minimum you ask?
Read more and see video on the next page:
The alarmists don’t like this one because there is obviously no way for us to affect the sunspot cycles.
Back in the 1950s we were taught about the coming ice age. Then they changed all the textbooks and taught kids about global warming. Then people like Al Gore made millions selling carbon tax credits.
Nothing grows in the cold
Global warming is completely manufactured, they are melting the polor ice with microwave heaters called ionispheric heaters there are 72 of them world wide working in conjunction with the chemtrails, the chemtrails work just like tin foil over something in the oven to contain the heat. it’s called terrorforming or geo engineering, the military also controls the weather and can create hurricanes tornadoes earthquakes volcanism, drought, or whatever they want! Bernard Eastland is creator of harrp with over 200 whether manipulation Pattons one of the Patton numbers are 4686605 and lots more! Go to we own the weather 2025 and Read airforce documents! Global warming is deliberately caused, geo engineering and terrorforming the planet also is so they can darken the earth and change the atmosphere for something intended other than humans!
They want the atmosphere the way it was thousands of years ago before humans were created in the likeness and image of God, when there were giants and hybrid rulers! Becouse they have been trying to re create them from finding the bones of these chimeras and giants by using the latest stem cell technology called crispr! Stands for clustered regularly interspaced short palendromic repeat! The atmosphere will be deadly for humans but will be livable for their re creations! They want to destroy humanity and all life on earth so the evil ones can merge with the fallen ones once again!
Lol, from global warning to global cooling.
Every time I click on this bait page, and ONLY this one, I get pop ups telling me that I’ve won some kind of thousand dollar iPad, Samsung galaxy phone or tablet or laptop. Not only is it simply annoying, I can’t close the add without exiting the page. This page is nothing but click bait and I’m reporting it and unsubscribing.
To save you the trouble..
From what I was momentarily able to see…
* A “scientist” has come forward stating that the global warming cult is trying to hide information concerning sunspot patterns studied, that if the patterns continue we will reenter a so called “global cooling” phase over the next 30yrs. Not that it matters for the creator’s of this click bait page because they are going to burn in hell for subjecting me to unwanted adds and “click next page for more” bs. RANT OVER. UNSUBSCRIBED.
It’s all b******t’s grant money fed !
I hope this Person has a good body guard…for exposing this truth….
More truth for the fool’s who voted for the Obummer climate b.s.